Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dark Days at the Exurban Homestead

We've now had fifty straight days of darkness at the farm.

What have we done to trouble the gods so? Why has the Burning Disc not risen over our little farmette in so long?

There is talk amongst some here at the Compound that animal sacrifices should commence soon.

I say we start with the chickens, but don't tell anyone that.

Meanwhile, on the good side, we have porn.

More updates, soon.


  1. Start with the rooster!

  2. But I sayest to thee and thine...nay, touch not the rooster for ye know not what hour he may croweth to alert thee to not be late for thine harvest! Touch not this feathered sacrifice I have given thee nor of his kind...for the days of egg laying is at hand and the hen must have fertile eggs to set upon!

  3. So far, that rooster ain't earned his keep. Aside from a little "dance" one morning, there ain't no signs he intends to! I say, "biddies or else, Foghorn! Cuz you ain't too big to stew." And, yeah, it could be bloody! Ha!
